Jamshedpur FC officials visit Utkramit Madhya Vidyalaya in Tangrine, Potka

Earlier today, Jamshedpur FC officials visited Utkramit Madhya Vidyalaya in Tangrine which is situated in Potka.

The team of officials, which included Head of Grassroots, Mr. Kundan Chandra, Sr. Manager - Marketing and Operations, Mr. Raja Bhattacharjee and Manager – Administration, Mr. Vikas Anthony distributed NIVIA footballs and a few Jamshedpur FC jerseys to the kids of the school as a CSR initiative from the club’s end.

The Jamshedpur FC members were warmly welcomed by the school principal, Mr. Anand Tiwari, and his school staff, along with the students, who are massive football fans and love to play the sport too.

After leaving the venue Mr. Kundan Chandra said, “It is great to see the hard work put in by everyone involved in running a school here. We can understand the challenges and hardships they must be facing. We are happy to see the love of football that the kids and the staff of the school have here. It's absolutely amazing!”