"I expect the fans to come in huge numbers" - Khalid Jamil ahead of the Steel Derby

Jamshedpur FC Head Coach Khalid Jamil spoke to the media ahead of an all-important clash against Bengaluru FC in the Indian Super League. Here are the excerpts from the pre-match press conference:

On the team's improving performance...

As mentioned previously, the outcomes we've achieved are a direct result of the dedication and hard work put in by the players. Both our foreign and Indian players demonstrate maturity and diligence in their efforts. Senior players, as well as junior ones, are contributing positively. It's a collective effort, and I'm merely here to provide motivation and support as they continue to give their all.

On his views on the opponents...

This upcoming match poses a challenge, particularly because we're facing Bangalore, a strong team performing well lately. In their previous game, they showcased impressive skills with experienced players like Sunil Chhetri leading the squad and a line-up of quality players, including talented foreigners, they present a formidable opponent. Their coaching staff adds to their strength. Therefore, it's clear this won't be an easy match. We anticipate a tough battle and must strive hard to secure a favourable outcome.

On the facilities...

I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity they've provided me. It's a pleasure to be here, and I cherish every moment. The facilities available here are unparalleled, marking the first time I've had access to everything necessary for a football player or any club. I'm determined to seize this chance and give it my all. Additionally, I've mentioned before that our collective effort stems from the dedication of the players, and I consider myself fortunate to have such talented individuals alongside me. I have no complaints whatsoever. Moreover, the management has been incredibly supportive, leaving no room for negativity.

On his goals for the season...

We're focused on the upcoming match first and foremost. After that, we'll turn our attention to the next game, taking it one step at a time. It's important to approach each match gradually to ensure improvement. Playing on our home ground, we aim for positive results. Our subsequent plans will follow accordingly. Our ultimate goal is to perform well, and we'll strive to achieve that to the best of our abilities.

On the importance of set pieces...

Set pieces hold greater significance. Yes, we must prioritize improving our set-piece strategies. Without a doubt, we dedicated efforts to this aspect in our previous sessions. Adding variety to our attacking approach is essential, especially considering the limited duration of matches. However, we're optimistic about making strides in this area moving forward, possibly even in the upcoming game.

On his success as an Indian Coach...

I too am continuously learning and striving to improve. I believe there's room for me to excel further and perform at a higher level. I don't perceive myself as being at the pinnacle. Numerous Indian coaches demonstrate exceptional skill and achievement, far surpassing my accomplishments. However, I remain committed to giving my utmost effort in everything I do. That's my primary focus.

Message to the fans...

In truth, the players rely on support from the fans because their performance is greatly influenced by them. Particularly when playing at home, the team thrives on the enthusiastic backing of the crowd. Fans essentially become the 12th player on the field, providing crucial motivation that drives the players to push themselves further. The pressure to perform in front of the fans catalyzes the players' determination, making the presence of supporters invaluable. Therefore, being in the company of fans is always a gratifying experience.

On long travels...

No, it doesn't have any impact whatsoever. As I mentioned earlier, there's nothing to complain about. It's simply part of the routine—taking flights, undergoing recovery processes, and fulfilling match schedules—all of which have been managed impeccably. Everything is in order, and there's nothing to raise concerns about.

On his success mantra...

Everyone shares a singular objective: to excel and give their utmost effort. It's imperative to perform at 100% capacity and take full responsibility for the tasks assigned. Additionally, I don't believe in giving extensive instructions; rather, I encourage individuals to play according to their natural abilities and instincts.

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