"It's not a formation or a tactical problem. It's a conversion problem." - Scott Cooper after #JFCOFC

Scott Cooper faced the media after a disappointing defeat at the Furnace tonight versus Odisha FC. Here's what he had to say in the post-match press conference.

On not converting chances...

You just said it. There were 20 chances to their 14. It's the same story every game, right? We make chances. It's frustrating because if you were getting beaten heavily, like getting 25%, 30% possession and you're not creating chances, you then as a coach, club, and as a team have to worry. So it's like temporary disappointment but it's happening consistently. So we don't want it to be permanent.

On losing narrowly again...

We're losing games by a single goal. We have more chances than other teams but we don't have the capability clearly to finish the chances, which means, I don't know, tactically are we getting it right? I'd say yes because why would we have possession and chances if we weren't getting it right? But I can't score goals for players. I can only pick the team, give them the tactics and they have to do the rest? I can't do it all for them. I can't hold their hands, go on the pitch and score. I wish I could then I'd be out there. But I don't know what more we can do except be analytical about our players and the ones that aren't finishing chances. What we can and cannot do, I don't know. I'm not sure. So some media ask me, oh, well you make big changes with this system. Let's just say we change the formation of the system.
And we make more chances again. I mean, it's the same thing, right? It's not a formation or a tactical problem. It's a conversion problem. So it's not tactics. It's not formations. Some ask me questions like Will you change the formation? Why? If you have 50% possession and 20 chances, why would you change the formation or the tactics? You might change some players. I think some players have got to be biting their nails for January because I would be. If I'm a player, I'd be thinking, are they going to keep me? That's what I'd be scared about.

Jamshedpur FC host Chennaiyin in their next ISL encounter of December 7. Come cheer for the Men of Steel to help them get up the standings. Book your tickets now at the stadium box office and Ticket Genie: https://bit.ly/jfc-tickets.

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