"We have to focus on one match at a time" - Khalid Jamil

Khalid Jamil faced the media after an epic victory at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium tonight versus Punjab FC. Here's what he had to say in the post-match press conference.

On his approach for the playoff...

We approach each match step by step, focusing on one game at a time. Currently, my attention is on the next home match, where a win is crucial. I haven't calculated the number of points needed for playoff qualification; my focus is solely on the upcoming match. We've been performing well against strong teams, and our recent performances have been positive.

On tonight's performance...

All players have worked hard, seized their opportunities, and scored when possible. A pivotal moment in the game was Rehenesh's penalty save, which spurred our comeback. Jeremy's two outstanding free-kick goals in the second half also greatly benefited us.

On Uvais performance...

Uvais is progressing well and showing improvement, but he needs to continue working hard. Despite his promising performance, I had to substitute him due to a yellow card.

Any injury concern...

Alen has just returned from injury, but he is a valuable and versatile player whom we will need in the future. Ritwik is out for the season, while Komal is also injured but is expected to return in one or two matches. Hopefully, he will be available for selection in the next match.!

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